Romans 8:12-17
10/20/19 - Rob Warren

  1. Rob shared that you can lose the battle of being victorious over your sin because you’ve lost the lack of amazement in the gospel.  Is this true of your life? How do we regain and maintain our amazement in the gospel message?

  2. What does it mean that we are in debt to the Holy Spirit, and how does being led by the Spirit actually give us the life we really want?

  3. Are you currently struggling with a sin that needs to be put to death by the power of the Holy Spirit? What does a lifestyle of killing sin look like?

  4. Verse 16 says the Holy Spirit testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.  What does this mean? How does this truth help us fight and win the battle we have with sin?

  5. Verse 17 says we are coheirs with Christ.  Read Ephesians 1:3-13.  What are the benefits we receive as children of God and coheirs with Christ?