Galatians 1
10/6/19 - Jordan Adam

  1. What is the gospel? (v.3-5) How is it both valuable and free?

  2. Why is Paul writing this letter to the churches of Galatia?  What is happening in this text that is making Paul so angry?  

  3. Do we hold the same zeal for the purity of the gospel message as Paul did?

  4. What is something in your life that’s gone wrong from the affects of sin that Jesus has freely delivered you from?  Are you currently struggling with a sin or wrong thinking you are desiring to be freed from?

  5. What temptations do you have to add to the simplicity and freeness of the gospel?  How do we try to add on to the gospel in similar ways the Galatians did?

The book Jordan mentioned, Women of the Word, by Jen Wilkin is a great resource for everyone-not just women,
and has all the information below, but in much greater detail.

For those who are more visual, How to Study the Bible a 5 Day Plan, using the James version of the ESV Scripture
Journals that were handed out.

Finally, this printable is a brief overview of Jen Wilkin’s 6-P’s from Women of the Word.