God With Us: Spirit
12/29/19 - Jordan Adams

  1. Which would I choose, to have Jesus physically present with me, living with me, walking and talking with me - OR - to have the Holy Spirit dwelling within me? Am I vastly missing the implications of the Holy Spirit dwelling within me? 

  2. What personalized power is the Holy Spirit offering me in order to cease striving and live in dependence on Him?

  3. What are the things in my life that cause me to run to fear instead of faith? Am I trusting in what Jesus has said over what I feel? 

  4. At Jordan's encouragement to look past resolutions and consider developing new habits instead, which 2 rhythms (1 being daily, the 2nd being weekly) might the Holy Spirit being calling me to commit to in 2020? How can I ask my group to help me grow in these rhythms?