Psalm 27
3/15/20 - Drew Stevenson

  1. What four practices did Drew point out from this Psalm that will help cultivate joy amid suffering and uncertainty? 

  2. What truths does David call to mind in verses 1-3 to help carry him through this hardship?

  3. In verses 4-6, what is the one thing David is asking for? How does this cultivate a foundation of belief that God is good and that because He is good, we can bring Him all our needs?

  4. In verses 7-10 we see David’s honest cries to the Lord. Spend time as a group sharing out loud what your current fears and anxieties are and then pray over them.

  5. Read verses 13 and 14. How does looking to the next life bring hope, joy and confidence in the unknowns of this life?