1 Peter 1:3-9
6/23/19 - Drake Epkes

  1. Define mercy in verse 3 and talk through its definition.  What part does mercy play in the living hope that we have through Jesus?

  2. How does this truth about the importance of mercy free us from the temptation to live a resume-type Christianity?

  3. Read 1 Peter 1:5. How does the truth that our salvation is being protected by God allow us to face trials in this lifetime?

  4. Give an example of a time in your life when you were most content and full of joy.  How is this a foreshadowing of what’s coming for us in eternity?

  5. Talk through the truths in verses 6-9.  What is the purpose of the various trials we will face in our life?  How do we view trials through the lens of the gospel?

  6. Share an example from your life when you have purposefully tried to avoid a potential trial.  What was your motivation in doing so?

  7. Share a trial in your life that looking back on, you can see how God used that struggle in your life to grow a commitment in your heart to Him that couldn’t have come any other way.

  8. How can we practically turn the occasion of trials into joy?