1 Peter 1:22-2:10
7/7/19 - Jordan Adams

  1. How do we become holy?  How do you become a person who looks like Jesus more and more over time?

  2. Share an area of your life you have seen become more like Jesus as you have pursued Him.  AND/OR – share an area of your life you desire to grow in holiness and want to become more like Jesus in that specific part of your life.

  3. According to verse 23, we must be born again to experience actual Christian change.  We have to go from death to life and become a new creation.  How is this truth counter to what culture teaches us and what our own desires and mindsets can be in how to achieve sanctification in our lives?

  4. If the power of the gospel is available to us to transform our lives, why do we tend to not take advantage of it?

  5. Talk through 1 Peter 2:3 and how longing and craving after God is the imperative to becoming holy.  How does craving after God replace our craving after sin?

  6. 1 Peter gives us a powerful picture of our identity in Christ.  List off all the descriptions of who we are in Christ listed in verses 5-10.  How do we live with our identity of who we are in Christ as the driving force to all we do?