Redemption Church - Twin Cities Podcast Feed
3/7/21 - James 2:1-26 - Jordan Adams
The third sermon in a teaching series through James. Sermon by Jordan Adams.
2/28/21 - James 1:19-27 - Drew Stevenson
The second sermon in a teaching series through James. Sermon by Drew Stevenson.
2/21/21 - James 1:1-18 - Drew Stevenson
The first sermon in a teaching series through James. Sermon by Drew Stevenson.
2/14/21 - Matthew 28 - Jordan Adams
The twenty-third sermon in a teaching series through Matthew. Sermon by Jordan Adams.
2/7/21 - Matthew 27 - Jordan Adams
The twenty-second sermon in a teaching series through Matthew. Sermon by Jordan Adams.
1/31/21 - Matthew 26 - Drew Stevenson
The twenty-first sermon in a teaching series through Matthew. Sermon by Drew Stevenson.
1/24/21 - Matthew 24-25 - Drew Stevenson
The twentieth sermon in a teaching series through Matthew. Sermon by Drew Stevenson.
1/17/21 - Matthew 21-23 - Jordan Adams
The nineteenth sermon in a teaching series through Matthew. Sermon by Jordan Adams.
1/10/21 - Matthew 18:1-20:34 - Drew Stevenson
The eighteenth sermon in a teaching series through Matthew. Sermon by Drew Stevenson.
1/3/21 - Matthew 16:21-17:27 - Jordan Adams
The seventeenth sermon in a teaching series through Matthew. Sermon by Jordan Adams.
12/20/20 - Matthew 13:53-16:20 - Drake Epkes
The sixteenth sermon in a teaching series through Matthew. Sermon by Drake Epkes.
12/13/20 - Matthew 13:1-52 - Drew Stevenson
The fifteenth sermon in a teaching series through Matthew. Sermon by Drew Stevenson.
12/6/20 - Matthew 11-12 - Drew Stevenson
The fourteenth sermon in a teaching series through Matthew. Sermon by Drew Stevenson.
11/29/20 - Matthew 10:1-42 - Jordan Adams
The thirteenth sermon in a teaching series through Matthew. Sermon by Jordan Adams.
11/22/2020 - Matthew 8:1-9:38 - Drew Stevenson
The twelfth sermon in a teaching series through Matthew. Sermon by Drew Stevenson.
11/15/20 - Matthew 7:13-29 - Drew Stevenson
The eleventh sermon in a teaching series through Matthew. Sermon by Drew Stevenson.
11/8/20 - Matthew 7:1-12 - Jordan Adams
The tenth sermon in a teaching series through Matthew. Sermon by Jordan Adams.
11/1/20 - Matthew 6:19-34 - Drew Stevenson
The ninth sermon in a teaching series through Matthew. Sermon by Drew Stevenson.
10/25/20 - Matthew 6:1-18 - Drew Stevenson
The eighth sermon in a teaching series through Matthew. Sermon by Drew Stevenson.
10/18/20 - Matthew 5:38-48 - Drew Stevenson
The seventh sermon in a teaching series through Matthew. Sermon by Drew Stevenson.