Redemption Church - Twin Cities Podcast Feed
12/12/21 - Isaiah 9:1-7 - Jordan Adams
The first sermon in an Advent teaching series through the book of Isaiah. Message by Jordan Adams.
12/5/21 - Ephesians 4:17-32 - Drew Stevenson
The tenth sermon in a teaching series through the book of Ephesians. Message by Drew Stevenson.
11/28/21 - Ephesians 4:7-16 - Drake Epkes
The ninth sermon in a teaching series through the book of Ephesians. Message by Drake Epkes.
11/21/21 - Ephesians 3:14-4:6 - Jordan Adams
The eighth sermon in a teaching series through the book of Ephesians. Message by Jordan Adams.
11/14/21 - We ALL Need Jesus - Jeff Dodge
A special message as we take a break from our series in Ephesians. This message focuses on why Salt Company needs Salt City and why Salt City needs Salt Company. Message by Jeff Dodge.
11/7/21 - Ephesians 3:1-13 - Drew Stevenson
The seventh sermon in a teaching series through the book of Ephesians. Message by Drew Stevenson.
10/31/21 - Ephesians 2:11-22 - Drake Epkes
The fifth sermon in a teaching series through the book of Ephesians. Message by Drake Epkes.
10/24/21 - Ephesians 2:1-10 - Jordan Adams
The fourth sermon in a teaching series through the book of Ephesians. Message by Jordan Adams.
10/17/21 - Ephesians 1:15-23 - Drew Stevenson
The third sermon in a teaching series through the book of Ephesians. Message by Drew Stevenson.
10/10/21 - Ephesians 1:7-14 - Drew Stevenson
The second sermon in a teaching series through the book of Ephesians. Message by Drew Stevenson.
10/3/21 - Ephesians 1:1-6 - Jordan Adams
The first sermon in a teaching series through the book of Ephesians
Message by Jordan Adams
9/26/21 - Contribute - Drew Stevenson
The third of three sermons in a series titled "Welcome to Salt City" to kick off the school year. Message by Drew Stevenson.
9/19/21 - Connect - Drew Stevenson
The second of three sermons in a series titled "Welcome to Salt City" to kick off the school year. Message by Drew Stevenson.
9/12/21 - Celebrate - Jordan Adams
The first of three sermons in a series titled "Welcome to Salt City" to kick off the school year. Message by Jordan Adams.
9/5/21 Philippians 4:14-23 - Drew Stevenson
The twelfth and final sermon in a series through the book of Philippians. Message by Drew Stevenson.
8/29/21 - Philippians 4:10-13 - Drake Epkes
The eleventh sermon in a series through the book of Philippians. Message by Drake Epkes.
8/22/21 - Philippians 4:2-9 - Jordan Adams
The tenth sermon in a series through the book of Philippians. Message by Jordan Adams.
8/15/21 - Philippians 3:17-4:1 - Drew Stevenson
The ninth sermon in a series through the book of Philippians. Message by Drew Stevenson.
8/8/21 - Philippians 3:7-16 - Jordan Adams
The eighth sermon in a series through the book of Philippians. Message by Jordan Adams.
8/1/21 - Philippians 3:1-6 - Tony Lee
The seventh sermon in a series through the book of Philippians. Message by Tony Lee.