Redemption Church - Twin Cities Podcast Feed
10/2/22 - 1 Corinthians 1:10-17 - Drew Stevenson
The second sermon in a series titled "The Paradox of the Gospel" through the book of 1 Corinthians. Message by Drew Stevenson.
9/25/22 - 1 Corinthians 1:1-9 - Drew Stevenson
The first sermon in a series titled "The Paradox of the Gospel" through the book of 1 Corinthians. Message by Drew Stevenson.
9/18/22 - Contribute Sunday - Jordan Adams
The third message in a 3 part series titled: Welcome to Salt City. This messages focuses on the third of our 3 core activities: Contribute. Message by Jordan Adams.
9/11/22 - Connect Sunday - Drew Stevenson
The second message in a 3 part series titled: Welcome to Salt City. This messages focuses on the second of our 3 core activities: Connect. Message by Drew Stevenson.
9/4/22 - Celebrate Sunday - Drew Stevenson
The first message in a 3 part series titled: Welcome to Salt City. This messages focuses on the first of our 3 core activities: Celebrate. Message by Drew Stevenson.
8/28/22 - Titus 2:16-3:15 - Tony Lee
The ninth and final sermon in a series titled "Sons of the Faith" through the books of 1& 2 Timothy and Titus. Sermon by Tony Lee.
8/21/22 - Titus 1:1-2:15 - Colin Provart
The eighth sermon in a series titled "Sons of the Faith" through the books of 1& 2 Timothy and Titus. Sermon by Colin Provart.
8/14/22 - 2 Timothy 3:10-4:22 - Drake Epkes
The seventh sermon in a series titled "Sons of the Faith" through the books of 1& 2 Timothy and Titus. Sermon by Drake Epkes.
8/7/22 - 2 Timothy 2:8-3:9 - Jordan Adams
The sixth sermon in a series titled "Sons of the Faith" through the books of 1& 2 Timothy and Titus. Sermon by Jordan Adams.
7/31/22 - 2 Timothy 1:1-2:7 - Drew Stevenson
The fifth sermon in a series titled "Sons of the Faith" through the books of 1& 2 Timothy and Titus.
Sermon by Drew Stevenson.
7/24/22 - 1 Timothy 6:2-21 - Colin Provart
The fourth sermon in a series titled "Sons of the Faith" through the books of 1& 2 Timothy and Titus. Sermon by Colin Provart.
7/17/22 - 1 Timothy 4:1-6:2 - Tony Lee
The third sermon in a series titled "Sons of the Faith" through the books of 1& 2 Timothy and Titus. Sermon by Tony Lee.
7/10/22 - 1 Timothy 2:1-3:16 - Drew Stevenson
The second sermon in a series titled "Sons of the Faith" through the books of 1& 2 Timothy and Titus. Sermon by Drew Stevenson.
6/26/22 - 1 Timothy 1:1-20 - Jordan Adams
The first sermon in a series titled "Sons of the Faith" through the books of 1& 2 Timothy and Titus. Sermon by Jordan Adams.
6/19/22 - Exodus 35-40 - Drew Stevenson
The sixteenth sermon in a series titled "God To The Rescue" through the book of Exodus. Sermon by Drew Stevenson.
6/12/22 - Exodus 34 - Colin Provart
The fifteenth sermon in a series titled "God To The Rescue" through the book of Exodus. Sermon by Colin Provart.
6/5/22 - Exodus 32-33 - Drake Epkes
The fourteenth sermon in a series titled "God To The Rescue" through the book of Exodus. Sermon by Drake Epkes.
5/29/22 - Exodus 28-31 - Tony Lee
The thirteenth sermon in a series titled "God To The Rescue" through the book of Exodus. Sermon by Tony Lee.
5/22/22 - Exodus 24-27 - Jordan Adams
The twelfth sermon in a series titled "God To The Rescue" through the book of Exodus. Sermon by Jordan Adams.
5/15/22 - Joshua 1 - Drew Stevenson
A special message focused on encouraging our congregation to stay rooted in faith as we move into the next stages of our church, both with a building and planting a church. More information available at Message by Drew Stevenson.